Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Thoughts on My Breakup...

Ah, hello! I see you survived Christmas. Wonderful! I have an announcement. I'm going through a breakup. Not the breakup you're thinking of. I'm still single. My relationship status hasn't changed in the last...well, it's never changed.

This breakup involves this blog. Well, this website. Blogger has been great! It's been the perfect platform for a new blog. The past two months have been great. But it's time to move on. Onward and upward! Thoughts on Things will be moving to WordPress. I'm excited for this change. There will be a new layout, something more modern. It's gonna be great, I promise. Starting tomorrow, you can find Thoughts on Things at

NOTE! This page will still exist as the Thoughts on Things Archive! You'll be able to find a link to the archive on the 'About' page of the new site. Thank you to whoever bothers to read this. You guys are great. Even if no one is reading this, it feels great to write about my big balls of thought and stick them somewhere. Now for the hard part. The breakup text.

Blogger, you've been great. You're super easy to use and I thank you for that. But I need new options. It's time to call it quits. With you, anyway. Sorry.

End of thought.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Thoughts on the Horror Movie Industry

Happy Festivus! No, seriously, today is Festivus, so sayeth Seinfeld. Time to air some grievances! Or write about the horror movie industry. Which I guess there are some grievances to air surrounding that industry. Moving on...

I need to come clean about something. I've never watched a horror movie made in the 21st century. Not one. Psychological thrillers, yes. Spoofs of horror movies (think Shaun of the Dead), yes. Legitimate horror movies? No. 

I'm a big fan of super cheesy horror movies from the 70's and 80's. Movies like To All a Good Night (killer Santa Claus), Dark Tower (a bunch of Americans and an Eastern European fight an evil spirit in Barcelona) and Lord of Illusions (lots of bad effects- even for its time- and lots of Scott Bakula). These are super weird movies with plots that required a bigger budget than what was allotted. The concepts are cool, but the way these concepts are done are not always so cool. The B movies of this time seemed to step off from more major films. You can watch a post-apocalyptic 80's movie and not consider it a Mad Max knock off. The writers were able to take a major idea (like a post-apocalyptic world) and take it in a new direction. 

I feel like the horror movie industry of the 21st century has lost this ability. Now, I had this thought while I was at Wal-Mart. I was in the movie section, looking for a gift, and I noticed just how many horror movies there were. There were a lot. Probably half the movie section was dedicated to horror. And a lot of them looked alike. I recognized some of the movies, like The Conjuring and Ouija. And then there were the movies one row over. American Conjuring and Ouija: Origins (note, there was a prequel to Ouija, but that wasn't the title). I saw these and I was really disappointed. Because based simply on the title, I can give you an idea of what happens in the movie. American Conjuring deals with a haunted house and super creepy spirits that want everyone dead. Oh, and it's all-American. Somebody watch it and tell me if I'm wrong. If you're going to do a knock off, have the sense to make the title completely different. Please. 

Now, I'm not saying that these movies are any less scary. They're probably freaking terrifying. But there's no creativity. To me, the writers saw a very successful horror film and said "Let's do that." Um, hello? It's already been done. To me, it's like their taking the script, changing the location and the names of the characters and mixing up the order of the jump scare moments. They film it, slap a title on it and send it straight to DVD. They don't even put in the effort to come up with an original title! It's not that hard! But at the end of the day, it's the jump scares that sell. 

Anyway, that's my thought. The successful horror movies tend to be original. All the knock offs are exactly that. Knock offs. If you really want to be scared, watch The Fog or The Howling. Happy Festivus. 

End of thought.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thoughts on Why I'm Not Having Kids

Finals are over, so I now feel like I can write a post without shirking other duties! Also, I guess this serves as a warning to any guy who's thinking of asking me out (because I know there's a lot of them...just kidding).

First things first. I didn't decide overnight that I didn't want kids. There was a point where I strongly felt that my future husband and I would most certainly adopt. But I've come to realize something...I would be a terrible mother.

I don't babysit. Like, I've watched people's kids for a little bit and it goes ok. I've been a camp counselor for I-don't-know-how-many-summers and I can handle 5th-7th graders. Kind of. But I have never babysat children all day long. I feel super awkward when I hold babies. Watching me interact with kids is kind of like watching a grizzly bear paint its nails. Weird and messy and kind of unnatural. I just don't feel like I'm meant to have kids.

Now, I've heard it all before. "You'll change your mind when you're older." Well, I'm pretty stubborn and challenge acceptable. "You'll feel differently when you meet the right guy." Maybe my Mr. Right doesn't want kids either. You ever think of that?

This isn't just supported by my own feelings. I recently had a conversation with a friend about my not wanting to have kids. His response: "You don't really seem like the motherly type." His words, not mine. He also told me that most guys eventually want kids, so good luck ever getting married.

While we're on that subject...I think I'm actually ok with being single the rest of my life. I really don't think I'd mind that much. Do I make jokes about being single? Yes. Do I sometimes wish that I had someone to cuddle with and hold hands with? Someone to play with my hair? You bet. But really, what more do you need in life than Jesus and good friends? I've got both. Right now, a guy would just be an added bonus.

Note: this doesn't mean that I hate kids. Kids are great. Raising them is just not my cup of tea. I have friends that have super cute kids and I have even more friends that will one day get married and have their own super cute kids. And I wish them all the best of luck. I don't see myself joining that club. Like, ever. I'm cool with remaining a single pringle with a cat.

End of thought.